Creating a Healthier Maine: Healthy Living for ME’s Evidence-Based Programs
Healthy Living for ME is the Maine core of evidence-based health management programs. We are a network of local providers and partnerships committed to the health and quality of life of all Mainers.
Evidence-based programs are proven to promote health and prevent disease among adults with chronic health conditions. Healthy Living for ME programs have been developed using rigorous research and demonstrate reliable and consistently positive changes in important health-related outcomes among participants.

Aging is inevitable, falling is not. Many adults can benefit from learning low-impact exercise to improve balance and strategies to increase confidence and reduce their fear of falling. Healthy Living for ME delivers evidence-based workshops that have been proven to help older adults reduce their risk of falling.
Stay Active workshops
A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels.
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Tai Chi for Health and Balance
Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises for the health of mind and body.
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Tai Chi for Health and Balance 2
Tai Chi for Health and Balance 2 is the sequel to Tai Chi for Health and Balance.
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Enhance®Fitness is an arthritis friendly program that helps older adults at all levels of fitness become more active, energized and empowered to sustain independent lives.
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An ever-increasing number of people are living longer with chronic pain and/or multiple chronic conditions. Research has proven that people with chronic conditions can learn skills to effectively manage their illness and improve health outcomes. Healthy Living for ME offers several evidence-based classes to improve functional abilities and deal more effectively with symptoms.
Take Action workshops
Living Well for Better Health
If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, COPD, arthritis or other chronic conditions, this class is for you.
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Living Well with Diabetes
Living Well with Diabetes is designed to help people with type 2 diabetes learn how to live well.
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Living Well with Chronic Pain
Learn non-narcotic methods for managing chronic pain and move forward with your life.
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National Diabetes Prevention Program
The National Diabetes Prevention Program is for adults who are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes or who have pre-diabetes.
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HealthMatters™ Program
The HealthMatters™ Program is an engaging, hands on curriculum where participants gain the knowledge, motivation, and skills needed to create healthy habits that last a lifetime.
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American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, AED Certification
Be prepared to act when emergencies arise!
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Find Workshops to Take Action

Taking care of a person with a dementing illness is specialized work. To do this work successfully, caregivers need special skills and knowledge. They also need an outlook or attitude that helps them to look after themselves. People providing care for a person with dementia are faced with an enormous amount of responsibility and work. Often there are no others there to help and caregivers have little time to take care of their own needs.
Supportive Care workshops
Building Better Caregivers
This program was designed for family caregivers of people with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), dementia, and/or any other condition that affects memory.
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Dealing with Dementia
People living with dementia need answers, and so do their caregivers.
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Find Workshops to Supportive Care
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Find Workshops to Supportive Care